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Lynda Gomi

Lynda Gomi is a recent transplant to the Bay Area arriving via New York, Yokohama, Japan and the Midwest.  Lynda graduated from Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan with a degree in Sociology and Education and has over three decades of experience as an educator where ever she finds herself.  Lynda holds a Masters in Teaching English as an International Language from the University of Illinois and a Masters in Theology from Drew University in Madison, NJ.

Lynda spent 18 years living and working in Japan. In Japan she taught English in rural and urban areas, in public and private schools, and at all ages from preschool to college students.

In the US Lynda worked in the nonprofit sector and coordinated the million dollar pledge to the anti-malaria campaign of the New York area of the United Methodist Church.  As a professional storyteller Lynda has educated American students about Japan through personal stories and folktales.

Lynda brings her passion for learning and for teaching to all that she does.

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